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From the Mystery of the Bastides
Family breeding of Bouvier de L 'Entlebuch
Cattle breeding entlebuch
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Ostradamus From The Mystery Of The Bastides
Ostradamus was born on January 13, 2018. He is the youngest of the family, son of Miss Marple and Mackintosch.
In addition to this, you need to know more about it.
He is a little loulou with an atypical character for an entlebuch because he is very sociable with the gentle human. He is like all very lively and very playful entlebuchs.
Love my gift ! #Ostradamus #dumysteredesbastides
Mum, Look at this, your ear is like an umbrella 😀_#Ostradamus #dumysteredesbastides
#Ostradamus #dumysteredesbastides
Flying #Ostradamus #dumysteredesbastides
#Ostradamus #dumysteredesbastides
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